Customer Relationship Management


Web Based CRM

As technology has developed, more and more enterprises came into existence with their business issues.Every business organization wants to deliver flawless service to their clients and to attain this, they are using all feasible ways.

Currently, the integrated Web Based CRM solutions are broadly in use because these are considered efficient for making the workforce smooth.

Proposed CRM software offers a business enterprise the capability to create, assign and manage requests of the existing or future customers. It brings among the employees as well as clients a sort of collaboration which results in increasing the overall productivity and working efficiency.

CRM, a web based CRM software offered by NASTECHS is primarily developed for businesses who are in need.

Therefore, this consists few key modules, which would include the entire process starting from lead management to supplying the product to the client end to manage its after sales complaints to AMC or warranty management.

Other specimen of CRM is meant to manage proper distribution of organizations working on the Distribution model in place of direct sale.

For instance they have maintained a hierarchy of CNF or Super Distributor followed by dealers monitoring a series or link of retailers under their supervision.

Features of our web based CRM

  • Can be accessed at any time and from any device that can access internet easily
  • This software costs lower in comparison to traditional systems
  • On-going operational cost is relatively low
  • To access any information or data, users do need to be on their own systems
  • As per business needs and changing technology, additional functionality can also be added to the proposed software
  • Effective and efficient automation of workflow
  • Coordinate unlimited customers with ease
  • Maintain records of each customer about their placed transactions

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is then efficiently supported by the sales or marketing executives completely based on a conviction of Branch/Head Quarter/Area/Route management supervised by a national sales manager.

Therefore, our system can fit in any business environment and open for further customization & modification.

Online CRM Software  is considered as a comprehensive online source of business development that enables business in maintaining records that contains pre-sales ; post-sales transactions of customers.

NASTECHS is a reputed firm and the most prominent online CRM development company providing solutions all over the globe to satisfy customers basic needs in terms of offering the best customer support & loyal business dealings.

Further, we believe in providing multidimensional solutions for increasing brand awareness and also for placing direct connection with the customers.

Key Modules of the application

  • Lead Management
  • Sales Management
  • Purchase Management (FG  Spares)
  • Inventory Management (FG  Spares)
  • Service Management
  • Service Alerts
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Supplier Management
  • Multi level Inventory
  • Dispatch and Delivery
  • User Access Security Management

NASTECHS is a foremost CRM software development firm based in US &India offers web based CRM, online CRM to the customers.

Customer Relationship Management solution brings for you the advanced platform of efficiently managing the employee details in a improvised & hierarchical way,which has proven as the biggest advantage of this system software.

NAS Technology
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